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Mentorship Available
Addictions (CAP)
995$Certified Addictions Professional MentorshipValid for one year- Application completion
- Provide supervision hours (1- hour weekly)
- Exam prep, study materials, & resources
- Provide internship & experience
- Assistance identifying training requirement opportunities
Business Mentorship
995$Masterclass Business Development MentorshipValid for one year- One year mentorship
- Business/Sunbiz Registration/Renewal
- EIN Registration
- County & City Registration
- Referrals to bookkeeper, CPA, Grant writer, etc.
Case Management
995$Certified Behavioral Health Case ManagerValid for one year- Application completion
- Provide supervision hours
- Assistance with Medicaid Application
- Insurance Applications
- Exam prep, study materials, & resources
- Provide internship & experience
- Assistance identifying training requirement opportunities
CPR Mentorship
995$CPR Instructor Mentorship (ASHI)Valid for one year- One year mentorship
- Instructor and training center application
- Development of training center
- Exploring client/revenue options
- Ordering training materials
- Co-teaching assistance and documentation
199$Dissertation MentorshipÂ- *Rates are per hour*
- Developing the topic, problem statement, and theory
- Developing the literature review topics and sources
- Establishing the methodology and research design
- Understanding each chapter requirement
- Coaching for the feedback and corrections
- Analyzing, interpreting, and organizing data
- Conducts mock dissertation defense
2,000$Private Investigation MentorshipValid for one year- One year of PI mentorship
- Completion of the application
- Exam prep, study materials, & resources
- Internship Supervision/ (2 years)
- Register/establish PI agency
- PI course and manual development
- DOE/Commission for Independent education application
Mediator Mentorship
995$Family, County, and Circuit Civil MediationValid for one year- One year of mediation mentorship
- Assistance with mediation application
- Explore observations/co-mediations options
- Establishing mediation documents
- Co-mediation assistance for (5) mediations
Mediation Trainer
6,000$Primary Mediation Trainer MentorshipValid for one year- Assistant/Primary Trainer application
- Explore options locating observations/co-mediations
- Mediation Training Manual Development Assistance
- 6- hour adult learning or train the trainer course
- (5) Role Play Critique, Lecture, or CME Lecture
Security Mentorship
995$Private Security MentorshipValid for one year- One year mentorship
- Completion of the application
- Becoming a security manager
- Becoming an instructor
- Becoming a security school
- Register/establish Security agency
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